Friday, November 5, 2010

Hula Hoopers 1959ish

I'm not really sure when this ratty old Polaroid was taken in our front yard in Grayslake, Illlinois. That's me on the left, my half-sister Cathy the Dragon in the center and our friend Susan Harvey, who lived across the street, on the right. Hula hooping was all the rage then, but it really didn't do it for me. After about 10 minutes of seeing who could keep the hoop going around the longest, I was bored. I loved a good game of tag or hide and seek. If we had enough kids together at the same time, baseball was in order - there were plenty of vacant lots around that we could transform into a makeshift baseball diamond.

As a kid I usually had a scab on my knee or leg or elbow, (as evidenced by this snapshot). I used to wonder if I would ever be scab-free. I think I was around 12 when my limbs were finally unmarred, and that coincided with a change in interests. Tag, hide and seek, baseball, etc. were replaced by The Beatles, Herman's Hermits, The Kinks and Boys.

We moved to California in 1966 leaving the Dragon behind, as she was newly married by then. I returned to Grayslake only once - it was 1970. I saw Susan Harvey during my brief visit; after that we exchanged letters from time to time, and then lost touch altogether as we navigated through our various stages and dramas of life.

Sue and I found each other again on FaceBook. She lives in Florida and I'm here in California. Another childhood friend of ours, Jan Willis, is also on FaceBook. She lives in Wisconsin. I often think of the three of us meeting up in Grayslake one day. Together as kids we were like a paper bag full of grasshoppers - what would it be like now?


  1. Good friends are like diamonds....they never change. You and your childhood girlfriends would pick right up where you left off years ago, minus the hula hoops!

  2. Well you know I love a hula hoop. What great memories. No doubt you would pick up where you left off. Still a bag full of grasshoppers.
