Friday, January 8, 2010

Vintage Photo Friday

I was just over 3 years old when this snapshot was taken in our house in Grayslake, IL. The older girl with the dark hair is my sister Cathy. As you can see, I'm wearing a tutu that's too big for me; it was a hand-me-down from Cathy. See the safety-pinned gathers that held it around my waist? I was not much of a success at ballet - too little grace, too much impulsiveness. Some things never change.


  1. Oh! What a sweet picture. On closer inspection, you look exactly the same....that same secretive little smile on your face! LOVE that tutu!

  2. Love your vintage photo. I promise to get back on board with WPF next Friday. I should be able to get to my computer without having to prop my foot up by then. Glad you joined in on the Friday group!

  3. She still looks the same. A little taller.

  4. It's true. You look just like you...only taller. lol. Larry is so funny.

    Really great photo.
