Friday, June 11, 2010

Camping Trip 1956 or 1957

That's my half-sister Cathy the Dragon (left) in the shadow, my father William McDermott holding a kettle of boiling water in anticipation of a pot of coffee and I'm sitting on the right. Judging by the stuff on the table, it must be breakfast time.

Looking closely at this photograph I see the buttered slices of bread on each plate. My parents insisted we eat buttered bread with each meal. Ack! Of course there's an oilcloth tablecloth. Oilcloth was all the rage then, in fact I remember in Girl Scouts we made "sit upons" with it by sewing it around folded newspapers. Not so very comfortable but they definitely kept the damp off the tush while sitting on the ground around a fire.

My dad's shirt pocket is full of nerd things, all kinds of pencils and such - even while we were out on a camping trip! I forgot about how he was always prepared for writing stuff, figuring stuff out, all in his shirt pocket. In the opposite pocket, no doubt, was a pack of unfiltered Pall Malls.

I wish I could get into the "Wayback Machine" and revisit this time, this moment. I enjoy these Vintage Photo Fridays, pondering over one photograph at a time and seeing things sometimes for the first time.


  1. A wayback machine would be fun, but you would have to eat your toast! lol.
